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The Revolution of Egypt - Part II - From Revolution to Coup

In the second part of the book Azmi Bishara follows the documentation of the Egyptian revolution, under the title of Revolution to Coup, and reviews after a theoretical introduction on the theories of democratic transition, the delicate stage that passed through Egypt; from the military junta to the rule through the elections and the stage of Morsi, up to the coup, trying to understand The reasons for the failure of the democratic transition. This stumbling block has affected all the Arab revolutions. He explains at length the difference between the dissolution of the system necessary for the success of the revolution, the dissolution of the revolutionary forces that prevented the success of democratic transformation as a historic task and led to the victory of the counterrevolution.

The second part of the book consists of twenty chapters: 1. Instead of Introduction, 2. On the next day, 3. The army holds the strings, 4. The military council and the forces of revolution, 5. Declaration of constitutional amendments and the referendum thereon, 6. Post-referendum, Sectarian strife and the emergence of the anxiety factor of instability, 8. the registration of parties and the law of political rights, 9. the peaceful document and the incidents of Mohamed Mahmoud I, 10. incidents of the Council of Ministers and "Lashkar liars" and the impasse of the People's Assembly, 11. Constituent Assembly of the Constitution and presidential elections in the atmosphere From chaos, 12. The era of the president who did not govern, 13. The battle over the constitution and the constitutional declaration, 14. The economic situation in bitter 15. The Post-coup: The Written Reading of the Title, 19. Attitudes of the Revolution and Democracy: Trends of Egyptian Public Opinion during the Transition Period After the coup, 20. International positions of transition and coup.